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Books and an Earthquake

I've been remiss in blogging about the books I've read.  Since I seem to have more time on my hands these days, I'll try to catch up a bit.

Divine Justice (Camel Club, #4)Divine Justice by David Baldacci

I finished this book in February (way behind in blogging about the books).  This book picks up where Stone Cold   left off with Oliver Stone jumping off a cliff into the ocean after having assassinated a Senator and the Intelligence Chief.  (Don't worry, these were really bad men.)  He's being hunted by the government and gets tangled up in a small town's problems.  His friends are trying to find and help him and I don't want to give too much away.  It's best to read the other three books in the series first so you know the background on the major characters.


 Wit'ch Fire (The Banned and the Banished, #1)

Wit'ch Fire by James Clemens

Fantasy--one of my secret reading vices.  It was another book I polished off while David was in the hospital and I stayed up too long a couple of nights reading it.  The plot line is a little predictable, but there are some twists to keep you interested. Magic is gone from the world.  But there is a young girl with different powers that may be able to save the world from evil.  Bad people and creatures try to capture her and basically good people rally together to try to keep her safe while she learns to control her power.  Of course, it is a series.  I'll definitely be reading the rest of the books to see what happens.


Red Mars (Mars Trilogy, #1)Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson

Sci-Fi, my other secret reading pleasure.  This is about the first 100 people to colonize Mars.  I got so involved with the individual stories that I almost missed the main point of the book.  More people come to Mars and there are the commercial interests competing with the preservation of Mars.  There are at least two more books in this series and I'll be reading those as well.  


 In other news, there was an earthquake today.  It was really quite surprising.  This is my third earthquake.  The first one was in Idaho (another unlikely earthquake place) and the second one was in Bali.  This one was a 5.9 and centered about 90 miles from Washington D.C.  This is about three more earthquakes than I ever expected to experience in my life.

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